Difference between revisions of "manner of death (P35)"

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(‎Added [en] label: manner of death)
(‎Created claim: equivalent property (P14): http://www.wikidata.org/entity/P1196)
label / delabel / de
label / nllabel / nl
wijze van overlijden
aliases / en / 0aliases / en / 0
circumstance of death
aliases / en / 1aliases / en / 1
type of death
aliases / en / 2aliases / en / 2
death manner
aliases / en / 3aliases / en / 3
death type
aliases / nl / 0aliases / nl / 0
omstandigheden overlijden
aliases / nl / 1aliases / nl / 1
algemene doodsoorzaak
description / endescription / en
general circumstances of a person's death (e.g. natural causes, accident, suicide, homicide, pending investigation or special 'unknown value') (use 'cause of death' for more immediate or underlying causes, e.g. shot to the head)
description / dedescription / de
allgemeine Umstände des Todes einer Person; natürliche Todesursache, Unfall, Suizid, Tötung, laufende Ermittlungen, ....("Todesursache" für genauere Angaben)
description / nldescription / nl
algemene omschrijving van de omstandigheden van overlijden (natuurlijke dood, ongeval, zelfmoord, moord of doodslag, doodstraf, doodsoorzaak in onderzoek) (Gebruik 'doodsoorzaak' voor details)
Property / equivalent property
Property / equivalent property: http://www.wikidata.org/entity/P1196 / rank
Normal rank

Revision as of 18:15, 21 April 2020

general circumstances of a person's death (e.g. natural causes, accident, suicide, homicide, pending investigation or special 'unknown value') (use 'cause of death' for more immediate or underlying causes, e.g. shot to the head)
  • circumstance of death
  • type of death
  • death manner
  • death type
Language Label Description Also known as
manner of death
general circumstances of a person's death (e.g. natural causes, accident, suicide, homicide, pending investigation or special 'unknown value') (use 'cause of death' for more immediate or underlying causes, e.g. shot to the head)
  • circumstance of death
  • type of death
  • death manner
  • death type

Data type

